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    ​​​​​​​​​​​EZ Grip

    EZ GRIP is a water-reducible, non-cementitious, translucent white adhesive, ready to use directly from the pail.

    ​Ready to use
    ​No need to add cement
    ​Butter-like consistency
    ​Spreads with minimum effort; offers best coverage of non-cementitious adhesives
    ​Produces minimal waste; ideal for small jobs and for repairs
    ​Provides excellent adhesion to wood-based sheathings
    ​Ideal for light commercial projects using wood sheathing
    ​Water based
    ​Safe, non-toxic; clean up easily with soap and water


    EZ GRIP is used with the Pebbletex Wall System to adhere expanded polystyrene insulation board to the following acceptable substrates:

    1. ASTM C1177 type sheathings, including eXP®, GlasRoc®, DensGlass®, Securock®, Weather Defense® Platinum and GreenGlass® sheathing
    2. Water-resistant core gypsum sheathing (ASTM C79/ASTM C1396)
    3. New and untreated Exposure 1 or exterior grade plywood
    4. Untreated Exposure 1 OSB
    5. PermaBase® cement-board or other ASTM C1325 Type A Exterior cement-board

    NOTE: EZ GRIP is not acceptable for adhering EPS to EPS in any application or for embedding mesh in any application.


    22.6 kg per 19-liter pail (50 lbs per 5-gallon pail)


    (Approximate) 200-300 ft² (18-27 m²) per pail

    EZ Grip Product Bulletin

    EZ Grip Product Bulletin


    Material Safety Data Sheets