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    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Surfacing Systems for Insulating Concrete Forms

    Weather-resistant cladding consisting of a mesh-reinforced base coat and 100% acrylic polymer finish over a structurally insulated panel.

    ​Design versatility
    ​Limitless colors, textures and shapes; fast construction
    ​Seamless surface
    ​Provides high resistance to potential water intrusion from rain and other environmental sources
    ​High performance
    ​Increased R-values provide lower costs for heating and cooling
    ​100% Acrylic, reinforced base coats
    ​Produce a weather-resistant barrier; provide crack resistance
    ​100% Acrylic finish coats
    ​Resist fading and abrasion; options available for added dirt/mildew resistance


    Finestone Surfacing Systems for Insulating Concrete Forms (ICF) are used for exterior walls in residential, light commercial and institutional ICF construction when a weather resistant, low maintenance “Stucco Look” wall finish is desired.

    Finestone Surfacing Systems for Insulating Concrete Forms (ICF) are weather resistant systems consisting of a mesh-reinforced base coat and 100% acrylic polymer exterior finish.