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    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Pebbletex Mojave Finish

    Factory-mixed, 100% acrylic polymer finish coat. Available in Finestone’s standard colors and custom colors. Mojave Finish provides a uniform, “pebble” appearance.

    ​100% Acrylic polymer chemistry
    ​Long-term durability and weather resistance
    ​Integral color
    ​Reduced maintenance and recoating
    ​Weather resistant
    ​Repels water and resists wind-driven rain
    ​Seals existing, non-moving hairline cracks
    ​Doesn't blister, peel or flake


    • Mojave​ Finish provides an aesthetically pleasing surface color and texture for the Finestone Wall Systems.
    • Can also be utilized as a textured finish for poured concrete or unit masonry, conventional stucco, Finestone Stucco Wall System, Finescreen Cement-Board Stucco, certain insulating concrete forms, and interior veneer plaster or gypsum wallboard.


    5 gallon pail (19 liter pail)


    (Approximate) 105 to 115 ft2 (9.8 to 10.7 m2) per pail


    Available in a wide variety of standard and custom colors