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    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Limestone Rendering

    Limestone RenderingLimestone Rendering is a finish technique utilizing two textured acrylic finishes to create the look of limestone in a lightweight, easily installed architectural wall finish.



    ​The appearance of limestone

    ​Replicate the look using an acrylic based finish


    ​The look and feel of limestone at a fraction of the weight

    ​100% acrylic chemistry

    ​Provides optimal performance against elements

    ​Integral color

    ​Reduced maintenance and recoating; lasting color uniformity

    ​Weather resistant

    ​Repels water and resists wind-driven rain


    ​Limestone Rendering p​rovides an aesthetically pleasing surface color and texture for Finestone Wall Systems. Limestone Rendering can also be utilized as a textured finish for poured concrete or unit masonry, conventional stucco, Finestone Stucco Wall System, Finescreen Cement-Board Stucco, certain insulating concrete forms, and interior veneer plaster or gypsum wallboard as well as ​quoins, arches and reliefs.


    31.7 kg per 19-liter pail (70 lbs per 5-gallon pail)


    Coverage varies depending on application technique and surface conditions.


    Available in a wide variety of standard and custom colors. For the appearance of added depth, it is recommended that the Limestone Finish be tinted to a slightly darker color than the Finetex Finish.​

    Limestone Rendering Product Bulletin

    Limestone Rendering Product Bulletin

    How to apply Limestone Rendering

    Watch the step-by-step application of Limestone Rendering.

    Materials Safety Data Sheets