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    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Non-Insulated Stucco Systems​​

    Finestone Stucco Ultra

    Finestone Stucco Ultra

    An impact and puncture resistant, cement plaster rain screen stucco system with enhanced water management. It incorporates a Finestop RA, RS or VB air / water-resistive barrier to provide a premium level of protection to the sheathing and cavity against moisture and air intrusion. Finestone's BEST stucco system.

    Finestone Stucco Plus

    Finestone Stucco Plus

    An impact and puncture resistant, cement plaster stucco system that incorporates a Finestop RA, RS or VB air / water-resistive barrier to provide a premium level of protection to  the sheathing and cavity against moisture and air intrusion.

    Finestone Stucco

    Finestone Stucco

    An impact and puncture resistant, cement plaster stucco system.

    Finestone Stucco with MasterSeal 581

    Finestone Stucco with MasterSeal 581

    Direct applied fiber-reinforced hard-coat stucco system featuring MasterSeal 581.