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    ​​​​​​​​​​​​Stucco Systems

    Stucco is a nonload bearing cladding system which is applied wet and hardens to a very dense solid form. With optional DiamondShield reinforcing mesh and acrylic, elastomeric or siliconized acrylic or elastomeric finishes; Finestone offers many options to stucco that expand its versatility and enhance its performance.​​​​​​​​​​

    Insulated (CI) Stucco Systems

    Insulated (CI) Stucco Systems

    Continuously insulated (CI) stucco systems that incorporate a Finestop RA, RS or VB air / water-resistive barrier to provide a premium level of protection to the sheathing and cavity against moisture and air intrusion and features Neopor Rigid Insulation Board.

    Non-Insulated Stucco Systems

    Non-Insulated Stucco Systems

    Impact and puncture resistant, cement plaster stucco systems with Finestop RA, RS or VB air / water-resistive barrier for premium protection to the sheathing and cavity against moisture and air intrusion.