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    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Brick Effects

    Brick EffectsThe look of brick and benefits of EIFS can be achieved by using brick finish techniques that utilize special templates and Finestone 100% acrylic finishes. Finestone Faux Brick surfaces yield the appearance of a wide variety of brick veneers over any Finestone wall system or other approved substrates, including prepared interior gypsum wallboard, precast or CMU and insulating concrete forms (ICFs).


    Use to create the look of brick over any Finestone wall system or other approved substrates, including prepared interior gypsum wallboard, precast or CMU and insulating concrete forms (ICFs).


    Templates are 3 feet wide x 200 feet long rolls.


    Finish coverage varies depending upon the finish, template selected and application technique.

    Colors and Textures

    Mortar color and brick colors are achieved by using any Finestone standard colors or custom colored finishes.

     Finestone Faux Brick Product Bulletin

    Finestone Faux Brick Product Bulletin

    How to create Brick Effects

    Watch step-by-step application of Brick Effects.

    Additional Downloads