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    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Stucco Products​

    Poly 1

    Poly 1 is a 100% acrylic admixture for use with stucco or Portland cement plaster mixes.​

    PermaLath 1000

    A rust proof, easy to handle alternative to metal lath for use with StuccoBase by Finestone Wall Systems or with field mix exterior cement plaster conforming to ASTM C926 at a minimum thickness of 3/4 inch “scratch and brown” applications.

    Stucco Surface Leveler

    Stucco Surface Leveler​ is a polymer-modified dry-mix leveling and embedment coat for use with Finestone Stucco Systems and other Portland Cement Based Stucco.​


    A factory-blended mixture of Portland cement, reinforcing fibers, and other proprietary ingredients. Conforms to ASTM C926.

    StuccoBase™ Premix

    Factory-blended mixture of Portland cement, reinforcing fibers, sand, and other proprietary ingredients. Conforms to ASTM C926


    A surface applied bonding agent for StuccoBase, StuccoBase Premix and field-mixed stucco bases.