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    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​Tersus Color Coat

    A modified acrylic coating designed to provide excellent water repellency and enhanced resistance to environmental soiling. The water repellent properties of Tersus Color Coat make the surface hydrophobic as well as more resistant to mold and mildew. The built in anti-soiling properties of the coating resist dirt and staining reducing maintenance costs and extending a building’s aesthetic appeal.

    ​Highly water repellent
    ​Enhanced weatherability
    ​Enhanced mold and mildew resistance
    ​Lower maintenance cost
    ​Resists dirt pick up and soiling
    ​Increased curb appeal
    ​Modified acrylic polymer-based chemistry
    ​Long-term durability and weather resistance
    ​Vapor permeable
    ​Cladding vapor control
    ​Water-based and low VOC
    ​Safe for workers and the environment


    Tersus Color Coat provides enhanced protection and an aesthetically pleasing surface color for a variety of wall surfaces. Tersus Color Coat is suitable for exterior, above grade vertical and overhead surfaces.


    24.9 kg per 19-liter pail (55 lbs per 5-gallon pail)


    Approximate coverage rate: 84–130 m² (900–1,400 ft²) per pail applied at 5-8 wet mils for a single coat. Some applications may require two coats. Coverage rates may vary depending on on porosity of substrates and application techniques.


    Available in Finestone’s standard colors and custom colors.

    Tersus Color Coat Product Bulletin

    Tersus Color Coat Product Bulletin

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