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    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Alumina Finish

    Alumina Finish​Alumina Finish provides a classic granite or marble-like textured finished appearance. Alumina Finish is a factory-mixed, reflective stone finish consisting of colored aggregate and large black mica flakes in a 100% acrylic transparent binder.



    ​Incorporates light-reflecting mica chips; unique sparkling appearance

    ​Outstanding appearance

    100% acrylic polymer-based chemistry​

    ​Long term durability and weather resistance

    Simulated stone look

    ​Supports design freedom, reduces cost

    Does not require a sealer

    ​Saves time and money

    ​Weather resistant

    ​Repels water and resists wind-driven rain


    Alumina Finish provides a protective, weather-resistant and aesthetically pleasing surface color and texture for Master Builders Solutions Wall Systems. It can also be utilized as a textured finish for poured concrete or unit masonry, conventional stucco, certain insulating concrete forms, and interior veneer plaster or gypsum wallboard.  ​


    5 gallon pail (19 liter pail)


    Varies depending on application, approximately 75 to 85 ft2 (6.9 to 7.9 m2) per pail​


    Available in 10 standard colors.​

    Alumina Product Bulletin

    Alumina Product Bulletin

    How to apply Alumina Finish

    Watch the step-by-step application of Alumina Finish.

    Additional Downloads