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    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Finescreen 1000 with MaxGrip Veneer Mortar

    A highly impact and puncture resistant, water-drainage wall system incorporating a cement board core and reinforced base coat. The high-strength, specially formulated setting bed mortar adheres natural and manufactured stone, ceramic tile, and thin brick veneer.



    ​Cement board core (e.g. PermaBase® or other ASTM C1325 Type A Exterior approved cement boards)

    ​Reinforces impact and puncture resistance, provides moisture resistance, increases dimensional stability

    ​MaxGrip Veneer Mortar

    ​High-strength, specially formulated setting bed mortar adheres natural and manufactured stone, ceramic tile, and thin brick veneer


    Finescreen 1000 with MaxGrip Veneer Mortar System is used for exterior walls in residential, low-rise commercial and institutional construction when high-impact,​ puncture-resistance and weather-resistance are design considerations and where exterior insulation is not required.