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    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Pebbletex Platinum CI

    An continuously insulated exterior cladding system with drainage that incorporates Neopor GPS Rigid Insulation Board.

    NOTE: NEOPOR GPS PLUS Rigid Insulation Board requires supplementary fasteners installed immediately after the board is adhesively attached and prior to the drying of the adhesive / base coat. See Platinum CI Neopor GPS Plus Supplementary Fasteners technical bulletin for fastener placement locations.



    ​Easy to specify a design that meets ASHRAE design standards and IGCC/IECC code requirements for the use of continuous insulation

    ​Highly energy efficient

    ​Neopor GPS Plus Rigid Insulation Board

    ​Zero thermal drift that ensures long term R-value stability

    ​100% Acrylic finish coats

    ​Resist fading and abrasion; options available for added dirt/mildew resistance

    ​Liquid applied, continuous secondary air / water-resistive barrier

    ​Added protection and comfort

    ​Unlimited colors, textures and architectural details

    ​Support design freedom, create details that would be impossible or cost prohibitive with other claddings

    ​100% Acrylic, reinforced base coats

    ​Produce a weather-resistant barrier; provide crack resistance


    For exterior walls in new and retrofit commercial, institutional and residential construction when a continuous high effective R-value is needed to meet energy or eco-efficiency standards, and/or when a rainscreen is desired or required to satisfy code issues related to drainage, and where high wind-load requirements dictate the use of adhesive attachment.

    Pebbletex Platinum CI System Overview

    Submittal Assembly Tool Teaser Image

    Submittal Assembly Tool

    Conveniently assemble the relevant system and product support documents you need. Plus, easily save, print and email the submittal package in PDF format.