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    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Air / Water-Resistive Barriers & Flashing

    Finestop RA

    Finestop RA

    A one-component fluid-applied vapor permeable air/water-resistive barrier. Waterproof and resilient, it may be spray-, roller-, trowel-, or brush-applied directly to approved wall substrates.



    A one-component elastomeric material for use as a flexible flashing membrane. It can also be used to prepare sheathing joints for subsequent application of Finestop air/water-resistive barrier membranes.

    Finestop RS

    Finestop RS

    A vapor permeable air/water-resistive barrier membrane optimized for airless spray application. Waterproof and resilient, it may be spray-, roller-, trowel-, or brush-applied directly to approved wall substrates.

    MasterSeal AWB 600 FL Block Filler

    MasterSeal AWB 600 FL Block Filler

    A one-component, water-based block filler based on Silica Fortified RubberTM chemistry. 

    Finestop VB

    Finestop VB

    A one-component fluid-applied vapor impermeable air/water-resistive barrier. Waterproof and resilient, it may be spray-, roller-, trowel-, or brush-applied directly to approved wall substrates.