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    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Finishes & Coatings

    Acrylic Finishes and Coatings

    Acrylic Finishes and Coatings

    Factory-mixed, 100% acrylic polymer finishes which produce a wide variety of textured appearances, dependent on the applicator.

    Hydrophobic Finishes and Coatings

    Hydrophobic Finishes and Coatings

    Modified acrylic textured finishes and coatings designed to provide excellent water repellency and enhanced resistance to environmental soiling.

    Elastomeric Finishes and Coatings

    Elastomeric Finishes and Coatings

    Factory-mixed, 100% acrylic-based, textured elastomeric finishes and coatings that provide excellent flexibility, weatherability, and resist mildew growth.

    Specialty Finishes and Coatings

    Specialty Finishes and Coatings

    Finishes and coatings that provide the look to meet your design aesthetic in brick, stone, metal and more.